About Us

About New Leaf Distribution

New Leaf Distribution Ltd has just celebrated 20 years of ethical service. New Leaf Distribution Ltd have grown rapidly and now has over 250 Advisers spread throughout the UK.

Our Advisers

Our Advisers include both Independent Financial Advisers (IFA's) as well as Mortgage and Protection Advisers. New Leaf Distribution can therefore provide solutions for all of your financial planning needs by sourcing solutions from the Whole of the Market.

Following the FSA's (now FCA) Retail Distribution Review, which came into effect in December 2012, our IFA's provide Pension and Investment Advice on a Fee only basis.

Adviser Qualifications

New Leaf Distribution is also a highly respected Financial Services training provider. As a result, all of our Financial Advisers hold Diploma qualifications as well holding a current 'Statement of Professional Standing' certificate. A number of our Advisers have also embarked on obtaining 'Chartered Financial Planning' status.

Our Mortgage & Protection Advisers are all appropriately qualified for the advice they provide, with some holding qualifications well in excess of the minimum qualification requirements.

The guidance and/or advice contained within this website is subject to the UK regulatory regime, and is therefore targeted at consumers based in the UK.